Sunday, August 12, 2007

A light in the dark

People fascinate me. There is an unquenchable curiosity churning in my stomach that begs the question why?

--forewarning--There may not be quite the structure that many of my posts tend to have but I will do my best to make a point somewhere in the confusion.
--continue if you wish--

Why do we act the way we do? Why talk with speech of cruelty rather than encouragement? Why dress in a manner that will entice feelings in the opposite sex, then claim "sexual harassment" at the utterance of an "unexpected" comment? What were you expecting? How we present ourselves is a direct reflection of our beliefs but sometimes it seems as though people mix and match to such extent that we lose sight of where our origin truly lies.

The power of choice, one's freedom, was granted to the countrymen over the course of history, through wars since scattered amidst stories you will read of in the dusty history books they make you take home and study. Looking back, it was necessary. Needs were present and met through decisions that the country made as a whole. Complete trust was placed on those in power, that they had weighed the options and had actually put some thought into the possible repercussions. Freedom was granted to the nation as a result, which is the basis for my intrigue of earlier. Do we take our freedom for granite?
During a trip to Kohls previously in the evening, curious things hung from the disheveled racks. I find that I cannot always keep perfect focus while I am shopping. My mind tends to continue onwards even after I have stopped to check out a trendy pair of caprice. Fashion is something that I rarely follow, if you couldn't tell. The thought of guys wearing girl's pants is just disturbing. For reasons beyond me, some men believe that it makes them look way cooler than they would if they had been wearing denim that actually fit. While pacing through the rows of clothing my eyes wander to my surroundings. Next time you walts into any store you may notice that you're not the only one there. It's easy to have tunnel vision, especially if rushed, but if you get the chance take some time to just watch. It's one of my favorite things to do. Not in a "kid with a microscope" manner, but just be respective to the lady shopping with her daughter or the rebellious teens plundering the electronics section.
Society is often quick at sustaining itself in bubbles and completely avoiding the fact that we are not the only ones floating from the wand. Continuing with this aqueous metaphor of cosmic and comical proportion, even if we realize that we are not drifting alone, by God granting his followers the power of sight and allowing our hearts to see farther than this liquidated ectoplasm, does proper respect ever get paid to the one responsible for releasing us from the vial in which all had been once plunged. Saving us from a lost life doomed to spill into the depths of untold agony, with his very breath.

--side note--
I cannot believe that I depicted God as a child blowing bubbles. His son, the wand at his right hand. I suppose that it was the most innocent moment I could think of at the given time. Though memories of spilling a pink flask of the bubble goo all over my father's bible one Sunday still haunts my thoughts occasionally.
--end side note--

The choices made on a daily basis effect us in a much more profound manner than we can comprehend. Why then do we act with such lackadaisical awareness? Colorful language has become common talk. Many sentences are now filled with such vile substance that the culture is becoming numbed to it's original intent, accepting it's new hardcore nature as popular appeal. The rap songs that are blared featuring every other syllable being bleeped out, not taking a stab at anyone's means of self expression, which I respect wholeheartedly. But isn't there a better way? Man is always seeking to fit in, but to what extent will we strive? To the demoralization of known speech? Dehumanizing our friends to boost an ego already on the verge of bursting? Who justifies the conscience, or is that task taken upon the caster?

Dress, at times, is even more outspoken then words permit.
While in Kohls, there was a girl, well in her teen years, wearing a pair of shorts that were very snug. [By the way, the snuggle bear is one of the cutest things ever...just thought I would get that out in the open.] Anyway, not only were they snug, but in my brief glance they appeared to be consisting of only a few inches of actual fabric, leaving little to the imagination. Surely, her mom would not have permitted her to leave the house dressed in such a manner, but in the world now, who can be sure of such things?

As stated above, how we present ourselves is a direct reflection to our beliefs. Sometimes its hard to think about what the Lord would say if he were to comment on our behavior. Would he shake his head as a disappointed parent? Would he look away entirely? Would he approve?
History has a tendency of repeating itself, but in biblical terms he did more than just watch from the sideline. Knowing that he won't be flooding the earth again or completely decimating humanity through plague or flame as with Egypt or Sodom and Gammorah is somewhat comforting. While surrounded by such immoral deed we don't necessarily have to participate. Lot lived amongst the unclean, and the Lord saved him and his family from the doomed city.

Here are two scripture that came to mind that will hopefully help give answer to the question I've been typing for so long now:

1st Peter 3:8-12
8Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 9Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10For,
"Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep his tongue from evil
and his lips from deceitful speech.
11He must turn from evil and do good;
he must seek peace and pursue it.
12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

Pray for those who still succumb and whose decisions are shrouded by the darkness.
While at the factory, a man approached me mid-shift. I did not know many of the employees for I was but a mere "temp" and would be leaving well before it was worth their time to get to know me on a deeper level. When I looked up from my operation, he was standing there in the midst of the noisy machines-greased thick with oil. He approached me, smirking. As I took out my ear piece from the Zune resting in my pocket, the new sound ringing in my ears caused me to step back once more in both shock, amazement and reverence.

"You're a Christian, right?" The man inquired.
"Sure am,"I replied, my eyes searching his soul for the reason for which he posed himself at such a time.
"So you don't like it when I curse then..." He continued.
"I believe that cursing is a failed attempt at finding a better word."
"So if you don't care for it, then God surely isn't a fan?"
"Most likely not..."
"Forgive me, that just puts things into better perspective. Thanks. "
With thought in mind, he vanished back into the the dungeon.

Matthew 5:14-17
14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Scripture to ponder:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
1 Corinthians 10:23-24

Our father met the needs of all who were lost to sin. Foreseeing man's inevitable doom to the bowels of hell, he saved us from its grasp by sending his son to sacrifice himself willingly for the multitudes of unworthy.
I am but an lowly sinner but he chose me out of the crowd. He observed my foolish ways with concern. He took me under his wing and I owe him much more than paper nor gold can afford.
I owe him my life, my soul.
Take what is rightfully yours Lord, and use me to your will. Though my abilities are not even close to par with others you have saved; my voice cracks, and I get clammy when in front of crowds, my body is your temple. Live through me, so you will receive the honor that is so rightfully yours.
This is my humble prayer as your servant.

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