Saturday, August 11, 2007

Faith as sheep

[Senior Week-Friday]
Nine of us, sprawled beneath the stars one night late in the week. We had already experienced the designated evening to bond-post campfire, but due to the recent topic that had spawned during one of the camping journeys, we found ourselves pleading for the discussion to remain open. Our shepherd for the week had guided the group's thoughts through troubled waters. He dared not leave our side through each session, when souls poured forth onto the grey tarp upon which we, his sheep, sat enthralled by words caressing the innermost soul. While inside our tent, another plane was opened to us. That of unrestricted thought, infinite imagination and open minded discussion.

Facades laid aside by those willing to forfeit the charade they so willingly displayed. Vast depths none could have foreseen opened the minds of those inhabiting this dwelling. It was, in essence, our own tabernacle. For we were never without his presence. The Lord made himself known upon each meeting and humbled all those in proximity.

Before delving too far into the week and wishing time away, we should first relive the twilight when he first opened our eyes to the other souls sharing life's once seemingly singular plight.

*silent prayer to myself before typing: Lord, take me back to Wednesday night. The ten of us huddled around the fire, that had almost gone out. When you whispered in our ears and told us that everything was going to be ok.*

[Senior Week-Backtrack to Wednesday]
The moon is blocked through a thicket of tree branches far above the campers heads. The night encroaches as they come to rest near the remnants of a fire pit. A small ember, hidden under charred logs, clings to the wood and valiantly kindles its reddish glow. [Don't die. For if you do, there will be no hope of rebirth. The masses will be plunged into total darkness. Don't die.]
The determined scouts glimpse this dying flame, and cast their hopes on starlit breeze to encourage the vestige. Sure enough, the spark rekindles, restoring light and banishing the darkness to the nether regions of the wood.
Those gathered by the fireside are drawn inward, mesmerized by the ensuing inferno. Song stirs the quite flock. Harmony is discovered embroidering words well before they leave the tongue. No one moves, the gathered grow quite and wait. Ghosts begin revealing themselves through eons of unspoken tale. Stories weighing heavily upon their tellers release their burdensome grip. No longer to cripple their captive's heart through subtle fallacy.
Hearing his call, they open their ears and listen to the harp of angelic lyre. Hearts saturate the ground with tears of compassion.

A chain of untold strength is welded in the fading hours of the eve. A halo of faith forged by the spirit passionately embracing his lost sheep. Prayers of humbled saints sing a symphony of selfless honor to transcendental thrones beyond the stars. Angels gather in quiet reverence to witness his wonder. The magic of rebirth through water, wisdom, and grace.

When I was younger, I use to believe that God was watching us from somewhere beyond the farthest star. Tonight, as angels bowed in reflective plea to their merciful father in heaven, he paced among us. Holding those that spoke, whispering calming words to their suffering souls.
We were not alone that night. He stayed with us the rest of the week as well. Never leaving our side. On Friday evening, he brought us back together for the finale to a week predestined by his will.

[Senior Week-Friday once more...]
The clock was to strike midnight soon. In the still of night, we read of his word, Psalm 139. Our group leader for the week had given us the task of reaching the selection in our own time, but now spoke of his intentions for the assignment. Would you give of yourself in such a way to fully trust in the Lord, to let him use you completely for his will? (The same way David did in this passage). If you allow him, he will use you to perform his wonders.

Matthew 17:20- 20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

The lord spoke through Steve to guide us this week, and his son to provide a way for us to join him in heaven, once our days on earth have ceased to be.
Imagine how the Lord will use you.
"Stronger faiths are those which are more selfless."-Steve.

After the meeting took place Friday night, Kaitlin, Steve and I migrated to the porch. We then continued our deep discussion, by quoting our way through the film: Dumb and Dumber. Ha ha. Good times.
--end footnote--

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