Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Just listen

Rain beat against the windows in the basement parallel to the sofa that I had crashed on the night before. I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wrap itself around my awakening flesh. The soothing sound of each drop pelting the window grew with tumultuous roar as lightning struck in the distance causing a wave of thunder, shaking the house. As I rose from the bed, voices echoed throughout the corridor. I stood in the doorway, searching for their source. The room directly to my right was lit and the occupant was stationary at his computer yelling shouts of concern to his brother who had recently announced his intentions of running through the storm. There was silence for a short while in the house but it was soon interrupted by the slamming of the front door.
I had decided to take a shower but after scavenging my room for a fresh change of clothes and finding none, I was forced to put on my shoes and brave the weather first. The moment I opened the door a feeling overwhelmed me. It was not of fear, such as that I had felt the day prior but rather insignificance. My spirit left my body and as I looked down, the speck of my existence became clear. It was as if I were in a lighthouse on a beach. The sand that rested below outstretched far into the horizon. Each grain felt important, as if I had placed it there specifically. I felt the weight of their thoughts, their emotions, their prayers and I held each with such significance that I could not overlook a single one.
Back in the present, I rejoined my body. Continuing my passage to the car, the keys jingling inside the pocket of my camouflaged cargoes, I stopped once more. I wanted nothing more than the solitary sound of such transcendental water to echo in my ears. My keys fell silent and my ears became attuned to all that was around. Each noise amplified to a level much louder than normal hearing would have permitted. I began to listen.
The rain felt good, cleansing if you will. Each drop brought with it the sense of something greater. A message sealed inside the water that was currently pouring down from above, splashing across my face. I stood very still for a few moments, trying to take in exactly what was taking place. The words were there, undiluted and perfectly preserved in this liquid state. They spoke softly in a tone just above a whisper, and still they remained distinct.
"You are not alone," it said. "There are many others."
I couldn't move. This was no accident. I didn't want to move.
"I am insignificant," I replied inside my mind," there are so many, why me?"
"Do you doubt that I will take care of them all?"
"Then why do you walk with such fear?"
"Because I don't want to be forgotten. I feel alone, though surrounded."
"I have never left you, nor will I. You are as important to me as any of them."
His words were gentle, and pierced my heart without disturbing the rest of my body.
The next thoughts strung together before I could control their form. I did not utter a one, for I was in a separate realm now, and there was no need.
"I'm confused. I do not understand where you want me to go. What am I to do? Lately you have placed on my heart a sense of something greater, that I have pridefully overlooked. But I am scared, scared of being unprepared."
"Moses said that too. Did I not guide him? Did I not speak through his lips?
"*hmpf*Nice one, after spending two weeks at a camp, I am quick to forget the lesson we had learned. You are right. You did guide him through the desert. You spoke to him and he listened and all those around him listened to your words that were declared through him."
"Then why do you not trust that I will be with you as well?"
"That is just it, my concept of trust has been shattered. Any lack thereof has since shriveled."
"You prayed to me while at the factory. I delivered you from there into the camp. There I placed around you others, many of which you didn't know. I gave you courage to speak to them, and the wisdom to keep silent. I chose each intentionally to play a role in your life. I opened your ears to their words, and your heart to their feelings. Did you not see me as I walked among you while your group gathered around the fire? Or when the camp fell silent in my presence on Thursday, only to sing out from depths many had hidden. But I could see their souls. I worked through them. As I am working in you."
I just wish that I could understand what you were saying. I have been numb for so long, and my memory has been failing me. Please, don't let what you say be as a vapor. Let it rest in me and echo outward. I don't want them to see me, I want them to see you. I don't care if their perception of me drops but I want them to realize you."
"It already has. Those around you have seen. They can see me. I can see that you are trying. But I have been trying even harder to make you understand."
"What am I to understand?"
"You need to let go, of everything. You bottle so much inside of you and you don't allow those that I send to come in and help. You worry about what tomorrow will bring, if your friend will disown you for spending another night on the sofa he has in the basement. You fear the future and that you are taking things too greatly into your own hands. You fear for your family, and their dwindling connection. You fear that I will leave you. But I haven't and I won't.
You're knowledge of my word and law is ever growing. I have heard your concerns and have acted upon them. There is nothing you have kept from me, though you have tried. If you will let me, I will speak through you. You need only to listen and allow me to perform my wonders. I am with you. Trust me."
"I will."

Sight was granted to my eyes once more. My clothes were soaked and my eyes were not spared from the water either.
To be honest, I am unsure at times if what I write is fiction or actually occurred due to how bad we are as man to need to see things in order to believe. This account though was real. I spoke not a single word the entire time, just listened.

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